How to boost your immune system naturally (and simultaneously quell fear of illness)

Mar 09, 2020

Take back sovereignty over your thoughts and feelings, and watch the change inside your physical body...

When most people think of boosting their immune system, they may think of particular foods they should eat, or supplements they should take. But what if there was another way?

What if you knew how to boost your immune system from the inside out, just by using your mind, and by managing your emotional state?

And what if this approach also had the effect of reducing any fears or anxieties...

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Who Is In Control Of Your Mind?

Mar 01, 2020

You have a choice where you put your attention, where you choose to put your focus, what you choose to focus on in life. You can choose to focus on uplifting, positive information, or negativity, hype and drama. And because such a large part of the world's population has been 'brain-washed' into thinking that negativity and drama is 'normal', they follow along like sheep, believing it to be normal to sit and watch and believe negative news stories every day...

Who is in control of...

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Emotions - There Is Another Way

Feb 26, 2020
I'd like to share something about emotions. It could be met with some resistance, or even disbelief.
For many years I studied how to clear emotions after coming to understand how unresolved emotional pain and hurts lay at the root of my symptoms of depression (de-pressing emotions) and chronic fatigue (suppressing emotions) and other physical symptoms. In other words, I found myself forced to face my emotions because if I didn't, I wasn't going to get well.
Every day, for...
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Why Getting to the Root Cause is the Key to Getting Rid of Symptoms

Feb 25, 2020

 "The REAL reason my back wasn't healing was because I hadn't healed the root emotional cause of why it went 'out' in the first place, which was why the injury kept repeating itself, over and over again..."

I'll share a story of how finding alternative healthcare options helped me when I first started out on this journey over 35 years ago...

I grew up in the UK, and in my twenties was living in a third floor flat in London. One day I was cleaning the windows, and was straining to clean...

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Why Rest doesn't Resolve Chronic Fatigue

Feb 22, 2020

This video is an oldie, but the information is still as relevant as ever!

For years I have been teaching people how to self-heal from chronic fatigue conditions (CFS chronic fatigue syndrome, M.E., PVFS, glandular fever, fibromyalgia and more) after learning what I had to do to heal myself first.

One of the biggest misconceptions about chronic fatigue is that if you rest you will get better.

Whilst part of the reason for exhaustion may be adrenal fatigue (which is a level of physical...

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Healing Birth Trauma - Set Yourself Free

Feb 13, 2020

"During the birth process the fear of dying was more prominent than the joy of being born, and this was deeply embedded in my whole being"...

Unhealed and unacknowledged birth trauma.

This is such an important but unacknowledged and un-understood topic, which I am very passionate about after had to discover and go through my own birth trauma healing. So I'd like to share a few facts and tips about birth trauma.
When we are born, a 'limbic imprint' is created in the brain as the...
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Self-Recognition - A Key to Self Love

Feb 12, 2020

Self-acknowledgement and self-recognition are critical factors in the creation of healthy self-esteem and self-worth, and often one of the main reasons we don't do this for ourselves as adults is because we did not receive enough of it from others as we grew up...

There are many keys to growing a 'healthy self' and cultivating self-love, and one of the most missed elements is self-recognition.

Most people are 'guilty' of this lack of self-acknowledgement:

As we go about our life, we...

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Understanding the Signs of Abuse

Feb 07, 2020
There are very sticky 'unseen energetic' bonds which tie an abuser to their victim, pulling the victim back over and over again, as if they are tied to their persecutor with an elastic band. It takes a great deal of will-power to extricate oneself from such a toxic relationship. 
Many years ago I found myself in an abusive relationship.
Initially it was 'just' verbal and emotional abuse, which was devastating and damaging enough as it was.
There are many signs...
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Are you tolerating unfair treatment?

Feb 03, 2020

Have you experienced, or do you still experienceunfair, humiliating treatment from people in your life? Maybe your partner, a friend, someone at work, a parent, or even a child? 

I cannot tell you how common this is. Every day around the world, hundreds of thousands of people are being downtrodden, taken advantage of and abused. It's an epidemic. 

Just yesterday I saw a post from someone sharing their excitement about a new project they had taken...

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Take Back Your Power - You Don't Have to Tolerate Abuse

Feb 03, 2020
EVERY client I have ever worked with who has had a chronic illness, has either had unresolved TRAUMA or ABUSE in their history. The result of this is a lack of healthy self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence etc, plus a host of unhealthy beliefs about self, plus a host of unhealthy ways of looking after oneself, all of which lead to such a state of 'dis-ease' and disharmony inside the body that it has NO CHOICE BUT TO CREATE SYMPTOMS in its cries for help and change.
Emotional abuse...
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