MCT Series - part 3 - Fear
In order to know how to manage and clear (get rid of) negative emotions, we need to understand several things including:
MCT Series - part 2 - Grief
In order to know how to manage and clear (get rid of) negative emotions, we need to understand several things including:
MCT Series - part 1 - Anger
In order to know how to manage and clear (get rid of) negative emotions, we need to understand several things including:
"When we are in a toxic relationship, we are 'attached' to each other at the solar plexus level through unseen chords, because the solar plexus is our centre of power. When we are the 'victim' of a toxic relationship, we give away our power to our abuser, and there is a line of energy which attaches us to them from the solar plexus, as well as the sacral chakra (sexual centre). These chords need to be broken so that we can take our power back..."
"If you are stressed about things going on in your life, and you are unable to digest those issues, then those emotions are going to get stuck in your tissues... literally".
Even in our supposedly 'oh-so advanced' 21st century modern society, it is still a relatively little-known fact that all of our stress and unresolved hurts are registered and stored in our organs, tissues and cells.
Most people have no idea how ongoing dis-ease eventually turns into disease, and...
"It can be a kick in the guts to come to terms with the truth that as part of being on the receiving end of narcissism, we have unconsciously developed our own narcissistic tendencies".
Exploring Narcissism (part 3)
As one moves forward to heal from the effects and consequences of being on the receiving end of a narcissist's behaviour, and all the emotional healing which goes with that, at some point in our journey we may be forced to face an uncomfortable and as yet unrecognized...
The heart and the gut never lie (thank goodness) - they always speak the truth, whereas the head brain has learned very well to rational-lies away the unacceptable behaviour of the narcissist.
"For the first time, I understood what psychological abuse was, and how ‘victims’ are terrified of leaving their abuser… because of the terror from childhood which was still inside me".
Exploring Narcissism (part 1)
I grew up with a narcissistic mother, but (as is very common) did not know it at the time. In fact it wasn't until I was about 12, when I heard a school friend describing her relationship with her mother, that I even started to question...
100 people A DAY are diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand. That's 3,000 people a month.
What is really sad about this is that for most people this is what will happen:
1. They will be shocked and traumatized by the diagnosis.
2. Their nervous system will flip into fear, which automatically puts more stress on the body's systems, which in turn hampers the body's ability to self-heal, because the body needs a certain level of 'calm' for the auto-healing response to kick in. In fact, returning...
'In an effort to fill the emotional void inside, we will either turn to substances to numb the pain (drugs, tobacco, alcohol, medication, food etc) or distract ourselves with external habits such as shopping, extreme sports, over-working - anything which takes our attention off ourselves so we don't have to recognize, acknowledge and feel the excruciating emotional hurt buried in our heart'.
Recently I went to see...
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