The Kiss of the Divine Mother - From Domination to Partnership

Jan 31, 2020

As I was listening to her explain the 'dominator vs partnership' model, I could see that the intensely traumatic experience I had just been through mirrored exactly what the collective consciousness is going through at large: a transition from male energy domination and control to the gentleness and respect of the feminine.

Recently I listened to a podcast from a colleague of mine, Lucia Rene, who has spent her life investigating the transition from patriarchal to...

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Coronavirus- A different perspective

Jan 31, 2020

The reason people 'come down with a virus' and then cannot recover is often NOT because the virus is not going away. It's because they are not stopping the damage they have already done which previously weakened their immune system, and are still doing, which is preventing the body restoring itself to, or maintaining, its natural state of health.

In my work as a health coach, I have studied the root cause of illness and worked with clients for 30 years now who have had a whole range...

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How to spot... and stop... a bully.

Jan 26, 2020

"For the already-deeply wounded and traumatized person, they will not understand unfair treatment or behaviour is unacceptable, and will tolerate it, without knowing how to either recognize it or stop it". 

Sometimes it can be really hard to spot a bully. They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't mean literally.

I mean they can be anyone: a friend, partner, parent, child, work colleague, teacher, mentor... anyone.

And one of the problems or challenges with trying to manage...

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What if symptoms are part of the solution?

Jan 20, 2020

by Megan Otto for Kim Knight Health

From the moment we are born the body has an intelligence system designed to look after us.

‘Hey you up there!  See that rash, growth, sneeze? It’s a message from your body. Are you listening?!’ Kim Knight, health and personal development coach explains symptoms are intelligent communication from the body to the head. “We are brought up in our society to think the head is king but actually the gut activates before the...

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10 Tips for Reversing Symptoms of Illness Naturally (part 3 of 3)

Jan 19, 2020

We continue on our journey of what is needed if you wish to reverse symptoms of illness:

  1. A willingness to let go of attachment to one’s diagnosis or condition ‘label’, and instead understand it's just a word created to describe a group of symptoms.

  2. Find the right therapist to help guide in the right direction, and preferably one who has walked the path themselves.

  3. Understand that it is a mix of both the right therapist and right therapy which will allows you to feel...
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10 Tips for Reversing Symptoms of Illness Naturally (part 2 of 3)

Jan 18, 2020

Continuing on from the first 10 tips, here are 10 more...

  1. Do you have a willingness to get out of the thinking head and into the feeling body to allow emotional energy to move, clear and transform?

  2. Do you understand your natural state is health, and if you are not experiencing this, it's a sign you have gone off track, and need to get back on track?

  3. Do you have a willingness to explore where you have not gone before?

  4. Do you understand there are certain ‘laws of health’...
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10 Tips for Reversing Symptoms of Illness Naturally (part 1 of 3)

Jan 16, 2020

If you are still looking for answers to heal from chronic illness, you might want to check if you are ticking all these boxes…

  1. Do you have a true understanding from a holistic mind-body perspective of what really creates illness?

  2. Do you understand that no matter the physical symptom or condition, there is almost always an emotional and mental cause, even when the head thinks there isn’t or can't see it… yet.

  3. Do you know that physical symptoms can often not...
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7 Things you need to know about chronic fatigue, M.E. and fibromyalgia

Jan 13, 2020

What I am about to share took me years to learn: about 25 years to be precise!

Because it was such a long journey, one could say the ‘long’ route up the mountain, and it took me a long time to work out the short cut to the top, this is what I’d love to share with you, so that you can speed up your recovery a hundred-fold.

Lessons in Hindsight

If someone had come to me 25 years ago when I was struggling to overcome depression, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue and a...

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8 Ways We Sabotage Getting Well

Jan 12, 2020

As human beings we are simply ‘not aware of what we are not aware of’, until we become aware. This is the key to healing most illness: becoming aware of what we were previously unaware of, and then we have new choices.

From my own significantly long journey back to health from chronic fatigue, depression and many other ailments, and after helping hundreds of clients regain their health, I have observed there are certain roadblocks which will get in the...

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Why Self-care is an unbeautiful thing

Dec 01, 2019

"A world in which self-care has to be such a trendy topic is a world that is sick. Self-care should not be something we resort to because we are so absolutely exhausted that we need some reprieve from our own relentless internal pressure". -Brianna Wiest

The Secrets to Health

In 30 years of exploring the secrets to health, there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that SELF CARE is one of the top 3 behaviours we MUST engage in if we are looking to:

  • reverse symptoms of illness
  • ...
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