Putting the Human back in Humanity

Dec 09, 2020

This is me. This is raw. This is real. How are you?

"I knew as I sat there waiting for a nurse to come, that I desperately wanted a human to acknowledge what had just happened to me:  to acknowledge the upset at being left abandoned just when I needed help. Just to put their hand on my arm or back and connect with true compassion"...

Yesterday I had a fall. It's been many years since I fell and injured myself. In fact so long, I can't even remember the last time I did. It may even have...

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Is a Virus your Friend or Enemy?

Jun 21, 2020
When the Covid outbreak started, it became clear that what is happening on earth right now is the COLLECTIVE version of what individuals have been experiencing for some time now: the result of ongoing and UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF STRESS, individually, and collectively.... we could say on the organism of humanity, and the planet as a whole.
What is a virus and what role does it play in your health?

Well, you may be fascinated to discover that a virus is not the enemy that most people think it...
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Why The Truth Will Set You (And Us All) Free

Jun 01, 2020
"On our individual journeys to health and wellbeing, we must face those parts of ourselves we have been suppressing, hiding and ignoring. The dark side. On an individual level, this dark side is our emotional patterning, as well as our deep subconscious and unconscious programming. It is about facing our past in this life, facing the traumas and hurts, and healing those wounds."
(Copied from a Facebook Post).
You may have noticed I share quite a few posts which some see as...
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Cultivating Openness to Dispel Anger

May 17, 2020

"In the past, if I was triggered into anger, my heart would (energetically) close, causing pressure physiologically in the liver, leading to Qi blockages in the liver and gallbladder. Now, by using Openness in Tong Yuan, I can keep my heart energetically 'open' which prevents the liver energy blocking up"... 

A Story of Dispelling Anger and Increasing Inner Peace

For me personally, one of my 'negative' knee-jerk emotional habits throughout my life has been frustration...

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Managing Emotions: The Two Sides of the Coin Approach

May 14, 2020

During 30 years of learning and teaching how to manage and resolve emotions, it has become clear to me that there are 2 skills we must learn.

I call these the '2 sides of the coin' approach:


Firstly, we need to be able to communicate the truth of how we are feeling with others.

We must speak honestly and openly about our feelings and needs, in order to dispel any emotions which have been building up inside in a healthy way. This is not about 'dumping' our feelings on others - it's...

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Why You Don't Fight Covid

Apr 29, 2020
'Nobody ever wins a war' - because there will always be a loser when you look at life in this way. 
I learned this lesson 20 years ago from my first Qigong teacher*, who was an Aikido master, as he was teaching us how to self-heal and help others to heal themselves too. 
In Aikido you learn the principle and importance (necessity) of getting on the same side as your 'opponent' rather than trying to 'fight' them. You learn YOUR ENEMY IS YOUR FRIEND not your...
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Breakdown to Breakthrough

Apr 18, 2020

Until and unless you have experienced a 'mental breakdown', it's impossible to convey what it feels like to go through such a crisis, or why it happens. But once you have gone through such an experience, it's much easier to make sense of the dramatic change and transformation which occurs during such an event.

The interesting thing is, humanity is currently going through a collective breakdown, so it's useful to know how to navigate such an existential crisis, in order to make sense of it,...

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When There is No Future - Because Only the Present Exists

Apr 13, 2020

Now is the time to put into practice what teachers of wisdom like Eckhardt Tolle have been preaching to us for years: "in times of crisis, deepen presence". 

Covid-19 and coming to terms with living in the present

For years most people have been living their lives, automatically assuming in their mind a relatively stable future existed ahead of them. 

They have been looking forward to their next holiday, birthday or Christmas party... planning that next big purchase...

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Covid-19 and Self-Isolation: Where The Rubber Hits the Road

Mar 26, 2020

Just like the canals in Venice have started to become crystal clear, and people can see what is in the water for the first time in years, so it is with ourselves. We are going to start 'seeing' things about ourselves we hadn't noticed when we were keeping ourselves distracted. And we are going to start FEELING feelings we didn't know we had inside...

Today in New Zealand, and already for some time in other countries, is when the rubber hits the road.
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Why Your Symptoms Are Not The Enemy

Mar 21, 2020
When clients learn to understand their illness, they learn 'their symptoms are not the enemy'. Their symptoms are there as a CONSEQUENCE of failing to take proper care of themselves. Their symptoms are the END-RESULT.
When people have experienced a VIRUS before getting chronic fatigue or ME or fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses, and up until now have blamed the virus FOR the fatigue and pain, they learn instead the virus was the LAST-STRAW EFFECT - 'taking them down' with...
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