Spiritual Alchemy

Living from Soul, Guided by Spirit

Course Training 'Registration of Interest' List

What is the Spiritual Alchemy Training 

The 'Heart, Soul, Mind, Spirit' training is about learning to connect with and be guided by Soul and Spirit.

In order to live from Soul, we must clear away what is preventing this happening naturally; this entails clearing away the 'debris' of negative emotions which block the Soul's light, and transforming negative thinking (patterns), as well as purifying our physical and etheric bodies. 

First Step

The first step in deciding if you would like to come on this journey of self-realization and growth is to register to watch the introductory video series, coming soon.

In this short introductory series we look at:

  • The three-fold personality of man, as distinct from Soul and Spirit
  • The evolution of human consciousness from personality to Soul
  • You will be taken on a short guided meditation to align the personality vehicles with Soul consciousness
  • Why transformation of consciousness is critical for solving humanity's problems
  • A detailed descritpion of the full Spiritual Alchemy training