Kim Knight does not diagnose, cure, treat or heal any person or health condition.
The information in this series is based on Kim's personal experience of dealing with her own depression without the use of medication, plus helping many clients overcome depression in her clinical practice. This is done by understanding how depression is often the 'de-pressing' of emotions, and how by learning to clear and address the underlying emotions and situations which have created the 'de-pression', we can often reduce symptoms of depression without the need for external intervention (ie medication).
Depression can be a serious mental illness and you are advised to consult as necessary with your doctor or healthcare practitioner as needed. As a non-medical practitioner (ie Kim Knight is not a medical doctor) she is prohibited from giving, and will refrain from giving, any advice regarding medication. She highly recommends you discuss your medication needs with your doctor. If you feel you want or need to adjust your medication, you must seek the appropriate advice and guidance from your medical doctor.
By joining this program you agree to take full responsibility for any and all information contained within it, and how you implement any of the advice or guidance in how to reduce symptoms.
By joining this program you agree to consult with your doctor or healthcare practitioner if you have any concerns or queries over your personal situation with depression, your medication needs or any associated symptoms and health conditions which often accompany depression.